Saturday, December 2, 2023


This is coolbert:

Sounds way too good to be true! However, maybe not so fanciful or unbelievable!

Roadrunner anti-drone interceptor. Can be reused!

"You can launch without regret"

 From | December 1st, 2023.

"Since its founding in 2017, Anduril has argued that it’s a new type of defense contractor:

"Instead of taking orders upfront from the US Department of Defense to fund development of products, Anduril has raised money from venture capitalists, including Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, that it uses to build weapons it predicts the military will want . . . The company then began shipping early counter-drone aircraft to the US and UK militaries in 2019."

"Anduril started work two years ago on the Roadrunner, a Looney Tunes-inspired dig at Raytheon’s Coyote, because it said the US would need a lower-cost, more nimble way to combat swarms. The tiny fighter jet has a carbon-fiber body and onboard electronics that let it track objects and perform maneuvers that’d be too dangerous for a human-piloted plane. One of its main advantages is that it can be reused, which makes it easier to launch at the first sign of an unknown object"

Vertical take-off and landing reminding me instantly of the Pogo XFY from the era of the Cold War. Pogo a full-sized combat warplane and not a micro-mini drone. Pogo given the technology of the time a futile experiment quickly abandoned. Seventy years later things given more doable.


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