Friday, December 1, 2023

F4U Corsair.

This is coolbert:

EFFECTIVE and VERSATILE! F4U Corsair fighter plane WW2. 

"The F4U Corsair performed exceptionally well with both the British Royal Navy and the United States Marine Corps and Navy during World War II. The Corsair was initially used by the US Navy and Marines in the Pacific theater, where its superior speed and firepower made it a formidable fighter aircraft. The British Royal Navy also operated the Corsair, primarily in the Pacific and Indian Ocean theaters. While the Corsair's service with the Royal Navy is less well-documented compared to its US counterparts, it made significant contributions to the air war in the Pacific. Overall, the Corsair earned a reputation as one of the most effective and versatile fighter aircraft of its era."  Poe - ChatGPT.

Once more a You Tube Short the military dimension:

See additionally an article describing that process by which the Royal Navy [British] modified the F4U to make the aircraft more suitable for carrier operations:

"'Here’s how the Royal Navy fixed the F4U shortcomings for which the US Navy deemed the Corsair unsuitable for aircraft carrier operations'".

The F4U continued to perform yeoman duty during the Korean War. Even able to shoot down a Soviet MiG-15 on one occasion!


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