Friday, December 1, 2023


This is coolbert:

Electronic warfare the Ukraine Conflict on a massive scale. Entire Crimean peninsula obscured from radar observation outer space?

"Interesting: electronic warfare hides ground activity from satellites"

From  |   November 30, 2023.

"And so on the 24th, the European satellite Sentinel-1 tried to take an image of Sevastopol in the radar range - only then a surprise awaited it."

Radar image of the Crimea totally obliterated by Russian [?] electronic warfare jamming!

"The Sentinel is equipped with a radar that allows it to form an image of the earth's surface even in conditions of interference. This radar operates at a frequency of 5.405 GHz. Accordingly, any radiation (primarily from military radars) at close frequencies creates interference for the satellite radar"

Users of Sentinel-1 probably attempting to assess the damage as caused by the extreme Black Sea storm that occurred a few days ago. Damage to Russian naval facilities vicinity Sebastopol of great interest as one can well imagine. Russians on-the-ball, their protective measures rather good.


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