Saturday, August 26, 2023


This is coolbert:

"White phosphorus causes severe burns and irritation, liver, kidney, heart, lung, or bone damage, and death. The Geneva Convention prohibits the use of white phosphorus shells against civilian targets. Protocol III of the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons also explicitly prohibits the use of white phosphorus."

White phosphorus 155 mm rounds [WP] surreptitiously purchased and sent to the Ukrainian via Bulgaria.

"How CIA Supplies Ukraine With White Phosphorus"   

From the Indian media outlet  |  August 23, 2023.

"Today we’d like to talk about Bulgaria again and shed light on another CIA gray scheme for arms smuggling. American intelligence services managed to establish an unofficial channel for the procurement and supply of arms and ammunition from Bulgaria to Ukraine, bypassing the U.S. Congress as well as ignoring the opinions of ordinary Americans."

"the media [has] previously reported that Bulgaria supplied Ukraine with ammunition and light weapons, both with an official announcement of the military aid and in a non-public way."

The delivery of WP rounds might cause a lot of controversy. The Bulgarian sends stockpiled WP to the Ukrainian but does only through and intermediary that is a CIA front company?

Noetic International Inc. used as the front company. Used to escape American Congressional oversight.

WP not a forbidden weapon of war if used to mark a target. Used intentionally against civilian targets in a malicious manner a violation of the laws of land warfare. A weapon that can cause unnecessary suffering.


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