Saturday, August 26, 2023


This is coolbert:

Poland not waiting. Prepare for war while you can!

Apache helicopter to the rescue Poland. A bunch of them.

"Biden Admin Approves Massive Helicopter Sale To Poland"

Article by Kyle Anzalone via The Libertarian Institute | AUG 24, 2023. Via

"Warsaw plans to buy nearly 100 Apache attack helicopters manufactured by Boeing for $12 billion. Until Poland receives the helicopters, the US will provide Apaches to its NATO ally."

"The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced the State Department greenlit the massive arms sale on Monday. The deal is for 96 AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopters, spare parts, thousands of missiles, other munitions, as well as maintenance and training for the helicopters."

Also from "The Aviationist" and thanks to same.

* @TheAviationist

* With 96 Apache helicopters, Poland will operate the largest international fleet of AH-64s, second only to the U.S.

Given the experience of the Russian helicopter fleet in Ukraine, I hope the Poles will have given heed to "lessons learned" and incorporate proper measures to ensure proper effectiveness of the Apache in case of war with the Russian.


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