Sunday, August 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

"'As part of the investigation of the plane crash in the Tver region, molecular-genetic examinations have been completed,'"

Genetic analysis confirms that Yevgeniyy Prigozhin the owner/commander of Wagner PMC was aboard the jet that crashed, resulting in the deaths of all passengers and crew. Yevgeniyy gone!

From this point forward let us hope there will be no more controversy as to the death of Yevgeniyy. The man has perished.

"‘Genetic tests’ confirm that Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was among 10 people killed in plane crash, Russian investigators say"

From | article by PERKIN AMALARAJ | 27 August 2023.

* "Russian officials said they have confirmed Prigozhin's death via genetic tests"

 * "Prigozhin died two months after launching a failed coup against Vladimir Putin"

"Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin has been confirmed dead after genetic analysis of bodies found in Wednesday's plane crash, Russian officials have said."

"Russia's Investigative Committee said the identities of all 10 victims had been established and corresponded to those on the flight's passenger list."

Wagner PMC personnel will now be incorporated into the Russian army in totality? That remains to be seen.


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