Sunday, July 16, 2023


This is coolbert:

Purge! Sounds like something from the Stalinist era!

Think many [?] more senior Russian commanders other than Surovikin and Popov cashiered or banished. All a result of the Wagner Mutiny?

"Putin's purge: 13 key military chiefs axed in brutal culling after Wagner Group mutiny"

From | article by TOM WATLING | Fri, Jul 14, 2023.

"The Kremlin has been systematically weeding out military officials it believes are either involved in mutinous activity or disrupting their attempts at misinforming the Russian public regarding the state of their 'special military operation' in Ukraine."

"weed out: in British English | VERB - to separate out, remove, or eliminate (anything unwanted)"

"Vladimir Putin has ordered the arrest of at least 13 high-ranking Russian military officers over the past three weeks as the Kremlin continues to crack down on those who supported the Wagner Group mutiny last month, people familiar with the situation have said."

I would suspect that these high-ranking military officers had more than a passing knowledge of the mutiny BEFORE it occurred. Perhaps were not participants but rather in tacit agreement or grudging approval of the actions taken by Yevgeniyy and Wagner group.


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