Sunday, July 16, 2023


This is coolbert:

NM = Nautical miles. Nautical miles are slightly longer than a mile on land, equaling 1.1508 land-measured miles.

NOTAM = Notice to Airmen.

Thanks both articles | | author Thomas Nilsen. Slightly dated but no excessively so.

1. "Russia warns of artillery shooting 5 NM [about three miles] from Norway's Grense Jakobselv"

May 29, 2023.

"Norwegian soldiers at the observation outpost will have panorama view when the powerful Northern Fleet sets off artillery shooting in the Varanger fjord later this week."

Russia has issued warnings [NOTAM] to both seafarers and pilots to stay away from waters close to the coast between Pechenga fjord and Grense Jakobselv. At the nearest, the area announced for live shootings is only three to four nautical miles from Norwegian territorial waters and about five nautical miles from the shores where the Russian-Norwegian land border meets the Varanger fjord."

"The Notice to Airmen says airspace is closed from early morning June 1 to 15.00 on June 2."

2. "What is Russia trying to tell? Second maritime artillery shooting in June next to Norway border"

June 28, 2023.

"The powerful Northern Fleet conducts artillery shooting next to the maritime border with Norway in the Varanger fjord on June 28 and 29."

"Russia has again issued warnings to both seafarers and pilots to stay away from a large area just east of Grense Jakobselv and the maritime delimitation border between the two countries in the Varanger fjord."


"It is unclear if the shooting will come from shore or by warships sailing in the area. The Sredny Peninsula is a well-known training area for coastal forces of the Northern Fleet. Pechenga is home to both the 200. Motorized Rifle Brigade and the 61st Naval Infantry Brigade."

Live-fire exercise the Russian Northern Fleet, TWICE in one month! How common is that? And very close to the border between Russian and Norway. Intimidation the goal?


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