Saturday, July 15, 2023


This is coolbert:

"'President Biden just called up 3,000 reservists to augment U.S. troops in Europe as part of  'Operation Atlantic Resolve,' . . . 'I want people to understand what this troop mobilization is about,' . . . 'It's about preparing for a ground war with Russia.'" - RFK Jr.

Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. 

"RFK Jr claims Biden troop mobilization is prep for ‘ground war with Russia’"

From Fox News via Yahoo ^ | July 14th, 2023 | Houston Keene that tip from Freeper.

"Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. claimed that President Biden's mobilization of troops to support Operation Atlantic Resolve is preparation for a 'ground war with Russia.' Kennedy reacted to Biden's decision to call up thousands of military reservists to bolster U.S. troops in Europe as part of the 2014 operation.'"

Operation Atlantic Resolve = "refers to military activities in response to Russian operations in Ukraine, mainly the War in Donbass."

The War in Donbass having been fought in 2014. Atlantic Resolve an ongoing operation for a long time now!

I should like to know the military occupation specialty [MOS] of these reservists as now activated.

Even if RFK Jr. incorrect the Russian from their perspective more than likely will interpret this call-up of reservists as a prelude to a NATO ground war with Russia. Even if 100 % incorrect that is what the Russian viewpoint will be. 

Dangerous waters Mr. President Biden and be well aware of it Sir!


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