Tuesday, June 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

It is all your fault! Don't feel sorry for yourself. You only have yourself to blame Be ashamed too!

Inadvertent bio-warfare the Ukraine Conflict. Sickness. Bad water!

"Putin's army ravaged by 'cholera outbreak' following destruction of dam"

https://www.dailystar.co.uk |  article Perkin Amalaraj  | 19 JUN 2023.

"A military movement said that Russia appears to have shot itself in the foot, after several of its soldiers have been taken out due to cholera that was brought on by dodgy water"

"dodgy:  adjective | Evasive; shifty. Unsound, unstable, and unreliable. So risky as to require very deft handling."

Mad Vlad’s invading army has been ravaged by an outbreak of cholera just days after it hit a major dam in Ukraine, killing dozens and forcing tens of thousands to flee in terror.

"Atesh, a military movement made up from Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars, said via its Telegram channel today (June 19) that its informants had revealed that dozens of Russian soldiers are being admitted to hospital to treat the deadly bacterial infection.":

Such was the force of the water that cemeteries and graves downstream have been opened with decaying corpses exposed and floating among the debris? So as reported. Contamination. 

Among the traditional two biggest historical killers in warfare the drinking of contaminated water by soldiers.

See previous blog entries the Ukraine Conflict instances or possible instances of bio-warfare:





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