Tuesday, June 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

Yevgeniyy walks on water? His situation untenable but still he survives. Living quite comfortably in Belarus.

"Why Did Putin Let Prigozhin Walk Away?"

From https://www.thedailybeast.com | the article by Allison Quinn  |  Jun. 24, 2023.

"The chaotic spectacle of Prigozhin’s armed uprising shattered Putin’s carefully cultivated image as a strongman leader. But the Kremlin seemed powerless to do anything about it."

"The same government that has been slaughtering Ukrainian civilians for more than a year because it claims NATO baddies are too close to its borders allowed its own rogue mercenary boss to shoot down military helicopters on Saturday and, according to state media, kill several soldiers before calmly waltzing away to a new life in Belarus."

"The Kremlin even publicly guaranteed that Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin had President Vladimir Putin’s 'word' he could safely leave the country—after conveniently having criminal charges against him dropped."

"So why is Prigozhin so untouchable? Or is the Kremlin simply biding its time to deal with him in a less public manner?"

Mostly in the debit side of accounts consider all the vitriolic pronouncements of Yevgeniyy directed repeatedly at the upper Russian ruling:




And yet Prigozhin at least from outward appearances at this exact moment does seems to be exceedingly fortunate in a manner you could never imagine.


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