Tuesday, June 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

Back in the old days of the Korean War the North Korean [or was it Chinese communists] offered a bounty of $10,000 USD for any American serviceman willing to "kill officer and bring tank". Come on over to our side!

Here a Russian trooper single-handedly credited with destroying a Leopard tank. Losing his arm in the process. Bounty to be collected of $13,000 USD but at a high cost!

"Russian collects reward for destroying German tank"

 From  https://www.russiaherald.com/news/ |  Jun, 2023.

"Andrey Kravtsov was awarded the bonus for eliminating a Leopard 2 in Ukraine"

"Andrey Kravtsov has become the first Russian soldier to receive a million-ruble reward, the equivalent of $13,000, for destroying a German-made Leopard tank on the battlefield in Ukraine. The money was provided by entrepreneurs from Novosibirsk Region through the Care of Siberia fund."


"Kravtsov is currently undergoing treatment for his wounds at the National Medical Research Center for High Medical Technologies in Moscow. The soldier says he did not even know that he had successfully destroyed a German tank during the battle until he arrived at the hospital."

Evidently this Russian serviceman engaged the Leopard tank with a rocket-propelled-grenade [RPG] and quite successfully so. But again, at great cost to himself!


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