Saturday, May 27, 2023

Arsenal 2017.

This is coolbert:

As was written in 2017 but as applicable as it was six years ago.

"China is Developing Its Own Deadly 'Arsenal Ship'"

"Ships and submarines would carry hundreds of missiles."

I think not only missiles Think additionally a variety of munitions and weapon systems.

From | the article by KYLE MIZOKAMI | JUN 5, 2017.

"A new article in Popular Science points to evidence that China is developing a so-called 'arsenal ship,' a large surface ship or submarine capable of carrying hundreds of missiles. Such a ship could allow the People's Liberation Army Navy to rapidly increase firepower without an investment in large numbers of expensive aircraft carriers, cruisers, and destroyers."

Would have been called a "battleship" in days of yore but now is called an "arsenal ship".

As described the Chinese arsenal ship a surface vessel with an abundance of vertical launch system [VLS] missiles at the ready.

I might suggest in an ideal form the weaponry aboard an arsenal ship be complemented by traditional naval gunfire, HIMARS type rocket artillery, surface-launched torpedoes, naval sea mines, attack drones.

See my previous blog entries the topic the arsenal ship:


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