Saturday, May 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

Yet one more private military contractor [PMC] enters the fray, the Ukraine Conflict.

"fray: noun | a usually disorderly or protracted fight, struggle, or dispute"

Gazprom Neft? Never heard of them before. Fighting for the Russian side. Gazprom Russian natural gas production commercial industrial concern.

"Headed by former Arkhangelsk police chief, Gazprom Neft mercenaries are fighting in Ukraine"

"Funded with income from Arctic oil drilling, Gazprom Neft’s newly established irregular armed group fights in frontline of Russia’s invasion forces in Bakhmut."

From | article by Thomas Nilsen | May 23, 2023.           

"Russia’s destruction of Bakhmut is brutal. The once green and lively Ukrainian city is a smoking ruin. It has been the war’s longest and bloodiest battle. On Sunday, dictator Putin congratulated his soldiers on ‘liberating’ the doomed Bakhmut. Kyiv denies Russian control."


"Not only regular military and fighters with the Wagner Group it turns out. A new investigation by BBC News Russian Service discovered that Gazprom-linked private military corporations [have taken] part in the battle."

See previous blog entry [with further additional link] Russian PMC the Ukraine Conflict:


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