Sunday, April 16, 2023


This is coolbert:

Declare victory and go home?

Mission accomplished! War over! Goals of the Russian met? Fighting can cease?

Yevgenyy by his pronouncements to be banished? Out of favor? No longer welcome in the highest levels of decision making?

So many questions.

"Wagner Boss Claims Russia’s Mission Accomplished in Ukraine Yevgeny Prigozhin says it would be 'ideal' to declare an end to the war."

From Daily Beast ^ | 15th April 2023 | Allison Quinn that tip from Freeper.

"Yevgeny Prigozhin says it would be 'ideal' to declare an end to the war. But he says Russia must keep fighting, even if it means humiliating defeat. Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin says Russia has already accomplished its goals in Ukraine—but must keep fighting even if it means humiliating defeat so that the country can ultimately rise again as a 'war monster' that the international community will bow down to."

Perhaps the Russian indirectly acknowledging by constructing those fortifications as was the topic of a previous blog entry that the war effort has accomplished certain goals albeit not to the extent as was desired at the start of the war. Consolidate territorial gain all the while fully understanding further offensive action probably going to produce rather meagre results for the effort involved.


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