Monday, April 17, 2023

Teplinsky VDV.

This is coolbert:


VDV = Russian paratroopers.

Once more the NEW man. But not necessarily a NEW man.

"Russia Reinstates Key Commander Amid 'Intense Tensions' Over Ukraine: U.K."

From BY ELLIE COOK ON 4/16/23. 

"A former commander of Russian forces in Ukraine has likely returned to the war-torn country as 'intense tensions' develop among Russia's top military figures, according to a new assessment.

"General Colonel Mikhail Teplinsky, who served as the commander of Russia's VDV, the airborne forces branch of the Russian military, was removed from Moscow's operations in Ukraine in January 2023, which Western analysts noted at the time."

"Writing in an update on Sunday, the ministry said Teplinsky, who has been decorated by the Kremlin, had 'highly likely returned to a major role' in Ukraine."

Senior Russian paratrooper [VDV] officer having already commanded troops in the field returns to the scene of the action, Ukraine.

See this Internet article the career of General Teplinsky.


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