Sunday, April 16, 2023


This is coolbert:

TOP SECRET. Brad Paisley.

By golly, we are saved!

"Country Singer Brad Paisley Goes To Ukraine With Senators Calling For 'Defeat Of Putin'"

From article by TYLER DURDEN | APR 15, 2023.

Original story: Authored by Kyle Anzalone via The Libertarian Institute,

"A group of three influential senators traveled to Kiev and met with President Volodymyr Zelensky. Accompanied by country music singer Brad Paisley, the lawmakers called for the defeat of Russian President Vladimir Putin and pledged more weapons for Ukraine."

Hear Brad Paisley entertain for yourselves. Personally I have never heard of the man.

Brad Paisley here receiving with other American officials a TOP SECRET briefing on the Ukrainian war effort. Complete with cowboy hat. Good for optics and public consumption.

Again, with special attention given to item # 8 of a previous blog entry Brad one of those "recognized intellectuals and artists" espousing the Ukrainian cause.

See additional blog entries the topic "recognized intellectuals and artists":


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