Thursday, January 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

YEVGENIYY lacks the power!

When thinking the battle for Bakhmut [Ukrainian armed forces versus Wagner PMC] think a mini-Stalingrad.

A battle for which neither side able to prevail over the other.

1. "Russia Fighting For ‘Weeks Over A Single House’ In Battle For Ukrainian ‘Fortress’, Bakhmut"

From | January 4, 2023.

"Russian forces are having to fight for weeks to capture 'a single home' in Bakhmut, the head of the mercenary Wagner Group [PMC] has said, as he appeared to cast the blame for slow progress on a lack of supplies from the Kremlin."

"Bakhmut is one of the largest towns still held by Kyiv in the industrial Donetsk region and has been the focus of the Russian onslaught since August."

2. "Wagner's Prigozhyn [Leader] Explains Why He Is Unable to Take Bakhmut"

From Dmitri @WarTranslated ^ | 1/3/2023 | War Translated the tip from Freeper.

Dmitri (AKA War Translated): "Wagner's Prigozhyn explains why he is unable to take Bakhmut - a line of defense every 10 meters, hundreds of lines of defense across the city. Russians lack armored vehicles and equipment."

See the tweet: Prigozhyn explains it all!

Not enough armor - BMP-3. Not enough ammunition for the Soviet era T-12 direct fire anti-tank gun! Etc. Etc. Etc.

Think perhaps the difficulty as encountered by Wagner PMC more than anything else the resolute determination of the Ukrainian defender. Wagner PMC having never expected such a difficult task.

A mini-Stalingrad yes indeed! Whatever the outcome Bakhmut destined to become legendary I might well suspect.


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