Wednesday, January 4, 2023


This is coolbert:

"molfar is a person with purported magical abilities in Hutsul culture. Their abilities focus around herbalism and other folk magic"

Eugene [YEVGENIYY] displays a new found Wagner PMC combat capability, professional hackers of all things.

"OSINT analysts identify winners of PMC Wagner hackathon"

From January 3, 2023.

I am not sure what this is all about. It seems that Wagner PMC now has a hacker group that can do OSINT in addition to penetrating the computer systems of hostile adversaries [hacking] and do so at will. There has a contest just to see how well they could do this type of mission and evidently there were winners successful.

"Molfar, a global OSINT community, has identified the winners of the hackathon recently announced by the Russian private military company (PMC) Wagner with a prize fund of RUB 1.5 million ($21,000), the agency reported on Dec. 30, 2022."

"The analysts identified the members of the three winning teams and published their residential addresses, phone numbers, passport details, social media pages, and other private information for national security reasons."

Hackers attacking for instance an electric grid system and taking electricity off-line doing damage more or the less the same as a kinetic attack. Whether by bomb or by keystroke "juice" cut-off to customers that need it!!


1 comment:

  1. Hackers in a manner of speaking do possess magical powers far beyond those of the common man.
