Thursday, January 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

Russian military bloggers and civilians alike are up in arms.
Horrendous loss of life the HIMARS attack not being taken lightly.

Attack on the Russian barracks by American HIMARS missiles Makiivka with terrific loss of life Russian military personnel the response outrage openly expressed in a manner not normally is associated with the Russian public. 

"Russian Military Faces Rare Outrage At Home After Devastating Barracks Attack"

From the story BY TYLER DURDEN JAN 04, 2023.

"The weekend strike on a Russian conscript barracks in Makiivka in Donetsk region which left possibly hundreds killed has sparked rare backlash and fury inside Russia, with even hardcore nationalists demanding answers and accountability of the military and government."

"Russia had initially given an official death toll from the attack, which was allegedly conducted with US-supplied HIMARS rocket launchers, of 63 soldiers killed while Ukraine claims that it was actually up to 400. Later on Tuesday, the defense ministry upgraded the death toll to 89."

HIMARS attack successful it seems as a result of very poor Russian OPSEC [operational security] military personnel at the barracks making extensive use of cell phone communications in violation of announced policy/

The question will be was the target the ammo dump, the barracks, or the ammo dump and the barracks. Whatever the case such casualties very shocking and all because of poor and presumably a total lack of 0PSEC.

See my previous and very recent blog entry so apropos admonitions and cautions as given by General Burger General USMC to all troops use your cell phones judiciously better yet don’t have your cell phones with you at all when entering a combat zone!

YES, leave home without it! You don't need to talk to your mother anyhow! OPSEC yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever. And you better comply!


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