Saturday, July 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

"'the largest munitions depot' . . .  'Of course, for the Ukrainian army which is right now totally starved of missiles, bullets and weapons, getting hold of these supplies would be extremely helpful, but this would be sour grapes'" - Andrey Kartapolov Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee.

21 JUL 22.

The Second Front the Ukraine Conflict. Moldova and Transnistria?

"West highly interested in opening second front in Transnistria, says Russian MP"

Thanks to the Russian controlled [?] Internet media outlet TASS.

"MOSCOW, July 21. /TASS/. Western countries are extremely interested in opening a second front in Transnistria, thinking that this will take pressure off of Ukraine’s armed forces, Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Andrey Kartapolov said on Thursday."

"The West, as we understand, in the current situation is highly interested in opening this second front. This is related to their idea that, if this front opens, Russia will be forced to redeploy some of its means in the direction of Transnistria, thus alleviating pressure from the Ukrainian army in Ukraine’s south-east and east," the lawmaker said during a roundtable discussion on Russia’s peacekeeping operation in Transnistria at the Federation Council.

That Russian army depot Transistria possessing enough armaments to equip a conventional Soviet era combined arms army. Such an army consisting of three infantry divisions + one tank division. A lot military bang stuff that Russian guarded depot.

See previous blog entries as germane the weapons depot:


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