Sunday, July 10, 2022


This is coolbert:

From You Tube and highly recommended without reservation or qualification.

"Colonel Markus Reisner [Austrian military] gives an update on the situation in Eastern Ukraine. And he describes what might come next." Jul 8, 2022.  котёл = Kettle = Cauldron.

Without further ado to the video:


* Cauldron =  "Soviet military doctrine distinguishes several sizes of encirclement: Cauldron or kettle . . . a very large, strategic-level concentration of trapped enemy forces."  

* This briefing is the real stuff. Not some reporter or so called military expert.

* Russians with all the firepower advantage still moving very slowly. Glacially so as they say.

* 100 % of Luhansk Russian liberated as they say but only 54 % of Donbass Russian liberated. Again, glacially slow.

* Russians pig headed trying to storm cities instead of bypassing. Heavy casualties 

* Russian BTG their main advantage the overwhelming artillery firepower. Embedded artillery a Russian BTG far beyond normal as might be found in American battalion task force.

* Strategic bombardment they show the image of the Tu-22 Blinder no longer in the inventory. They maybe meant Tu-22M3.

* No mention of the grand strategic level consideration other than grain production or shipment. Ukraine their military munitions manufacturing capacity mostly destroyed? Not able to replace equipment most needed.

* Already planning for the winter are we. The fall they have the rasputitsa. No off-road movement possible. 

* Ukrainian withdrawal is it a disorganized or organized movement? That is key too.

* Miracle on the Dneiper needed but not looking so good.

Colonel Reisner an outstanding briefer and an outstanding human being. One would hope a career officer of his caliber would rise to the rank of the highest order of command.


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