Sunday, July 10, 2022


This is coolbert:

From Fox News with thanks the story by Timothy Nerozzi July 9, 2022.

American senior military man behaving badly? You the devoted reader to the blog have to decide.

Retired general office [Ret.] makes a snarky remark directed at the wife of the Commander-in-Chief and loses his job? Or is merely taken off duty? This is not clear.

"snarky: adjective - 2: sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner"

"Army suspends retired three-star general over tweet sent to Jill Biden"

A retired three-star general of the U.S. Army has been suspended from a "mentor" position after sarcastically congratulating first lady Jill Biden for learning "what a woman is."

All this as a response to the American Supreme Court controversial ruling, the federal right to an abortion over-ruled. Long time precedent gone.

"The Army confirmed the suspension to Fox News Saturday and confirmed speculation that the veteran was under internal investigation for mocking Biden."

A member of the American military under Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice [UCMJ] not allowed to criticize the President of the USA or any members of Congress. 

And for retired officers of even general rank the UCMJ article applies as well? As I understand it, all general officers are retained on the rolls of the army for their natural existence. Said to have certain skills and expertise invaluable and recognized as being so.

So UCMJ still applies to General Volesky, even in a civilian capacity? His remarks it must be understood directed at the WIFE of the President and not the President himself.


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