Sunday, May 29, 2022

UAV Zagros.

This is coolbert:

 From DEBKAfile May 28, 2022.

An obvious threatening response to the most recent Israeli [?] combat drone [kamikaze] attack the Iranian nuclear facility Parchin.

"In show of muscle, Iran uncovers 100 drones at secret base in Zagros Mts"

"A select group of reporters was on Saturday, May 28 shown more than a hundred military drones lined up in rows, after being flown blindfold[ed] for 45 minutes to a secret base buried deep under Iran’s Zagros Mountains. Upon landing, the group was greeted by Iran’s army chief. Maj Gen Abdolrahim Mousavi, who told them: 'There is no doubt that the drones of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s armed forces are the region’s most powerful.' He went on to say: 'Our capability to upgrade drones is unstoppable.'"

"DEBKAfile’s military sources find that the secret base was uncovered as a threat by Tehran to wield its powerful UAVs in revenge for the two recent strikes on highly sensitive resources – both of which were attributed to Israel, although unacknowledged by any source"

Images show drones of an apparent high-degree of sophistication. Hundreds of such drones in a massive attack swarm operation CAN overwhelm Israeli air defense? That is what the Iranian wants the Israeli to think. And BELIEVE!


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