Sunday, May 29, 2022

Mozart II.

This is coolbert:

More on Mozart Group. Retired military from a variety of nations friendly to the Ukrainian cause. Thanks to Sandboxx.

1. GET YOUR DAILY UPDATED [?] TOP SECRET briefing the Ukraine Conflict.


"Led by a retired Marine Colonel, the primary mission of the Mozart Group is to increase the capability and sustainable capacity of the Ukrainian military consistent with U.S. foreign policy. In addition, the Mozart Group aims to protect vulnerable segments of the civilian population in Ukraine."

"Sandboxx News has partnered with the Mozart Group to bring you exclusive news, analysis, and updates from inside Ukraine's fight for sovereignty. Here, you can find daily updates about the tactical situation and unique insights into the reality of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, directly from American veterans operating inside the embattled nation. We will also be publishing other important updates about the war in Ukraine right here."

Also from Sandboxx by Stavros Atlamazoglou | May 16, 2022.


"The Russian military is failing in astonishing ways in Ukraine. Three months after the invasion of Ukraine started, the Russian military has failed to achieve any of its primary objectives."

"The Russian military is failing in astonishing ways in Ukraine. Three months after the invasion of Ukraine started, the Russian military has failed to achieve any of its primary objectives."

"A recent assessment by the Pentagon has identified several key reasons why the renewed Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine is failing."


"According to the statements of a senior U.S. defense official, the Pentagon believes the renewed Russian advance in eastern Ukraine is failing for four primary reasons."

* Reluctance to advance.

      "First, Russian troops won’t advance ahead of artillery."

* Incapability to fight off roads.

      "Second, the Russian mechanized formations are stuck on paved roads because of the spring mud that has been formed by the melting of ice and snow."

* "Third, the Russian military hasn’t fixed its logistical issues despite the renewed offensive in the Donbas."

* Breakdown in discipline.

      "Fourth — and this is undoubtedly the most interesting reason — some Russian units aren’t following orders."

Russians now if we are to believe media reports now advancingly SLOWLY but STEADILY in the Donbass. Overwhelming massive force used in an overwhelming and massive manner can go a long way to success. Obvious.

I suggest devoted readers to the blog make a bookmark or favorite of the MOZART Internet web site and check daily for updates.


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