Saturday, May 7, 2022


This is coolbert:

"'It is necessary to complete the special operation in Ukraine, in accordance with the goals and objectives that were set, on time,' . . . 'We now see that the Mariupol epic is coming to an end. There remain some notorious scoundrels, the Nazis of 'Azov,' who are joined by the remnants of the 36th Marine Brigade. They are gathered at Azovstal. I think that in the coming days they will be optimized in various ways.'" - - Col.-Gen. Andrey Kartapolov.

OPTIMIZED! Killed, wounded, surrendered, captured!

Declare victory and go home!

From the story by By Theodore Bunker    |   Thursday, 05 May 2022l.

"Russian Duma Member Suggests End to War If Mariupol Captured"

"A leading member of the Russian State Duma [legislator] this week suggested that the war in Ukraine could end if Russian forces capture Mariupol, the Ukrainian port city currently under siege."

Goals of the "special operation" attained on time so say the Russian. An end to the war. And just in time for the 9 May celebration  through Red Square. The cheering throngs. The parading troops. Awards and decorations. Etc. Sure. Got only two days now.

That day of 9 May Victory Day again as close as to a religious ritual and celebration that was possible in the old Soviet Union. Defeat as part of the anti-Hitler coalition glorifying the wonders and accomplishments of communism + the Soviet people. Not any of which was to be minimized.

See all previous blog entries Victory Day as it pertains to the current Ukraine Conflict:


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