Wednesday, April 13, 2022


This is coolbert:

“'We have doubts as to whether the mines were left intentionally,'. . . 'Maybe these mines were left within a plan for NATO minesweepers to enter the Black Sea.'” - - Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar.

From Russian controlled [?] Internet media outlet    and thanks to same.

Floating mines Black Sea again. As was the topic of a previous blog entry.

"Turkey suspects conspiracy behind Black Sea mines"

"The defense chief [Turkey] reportedly suggested explosives may have been deployed intentionally to justify sending in NATO minesweepers"


"Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar has reportedly raised the possibility that mines discovered off his country’s coast were purposely deployed in the Black Sea as a pretext for sending NATO minesweepers to the region amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict."

"The aim of this type of scheme might be to pressure Ankara into allowing NATO warships to enter the Black Sea through the Turkish Straits, Akar said. He insisted that Ankara will abide by the Montreux Convention, which allows Turkey to regulate maritime traffic through the straits during times of war."

Floating naval sea mines in the aftermath of the Ukraine Conflict will indeed need to be cleared to allow 100 % free and unfettered access to all commercial shipping entering/leaving Black Sea ports. Crucial and for some vital shipments of grain to the international market just cannot be curtailed. And that WILL BE I suspect a major task to clear the sea mines in totality. Insurance prices even when the preponderance of the mines swept expect a marked increase. Willing commercial vessel crews also I might presume going to be fewer in number.


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