Tuesday, April 12, 2022


This is coolbert:

The Scotsman speaks! Colonel [Ret.] US Army Macgregor.

From the Internet web site "The American Conservative"

"Military & Defense/Biden’s Folly In Ukraine". As copied largely in entirety and unashamedly so!


Colonel [Ret.] Macgregor, U.S. Army combat officer his record impeccable and his battlefield achievements impressive. A combat commander of a first-rate order his record in the modern era perhaps without peer?

"Biden’s Folly In Ukraine"

"President Biden and the foreign policy uniparty are restoring the strategic condition Washington feared in 1940."

"Americans find it difficult to determine whether the Biden administration’s policy decisions regarding Ukraine are the product of a deliberate strategy, extraordinary incompetence, or some combination of both. Threatening Russia, a nuclear armed power, with regime change and then annunciating a nuclear weapons policy that allows for the United States’ first-strike use of nuclear weapons under 'extreme circumstances'—responding to an invasion by conventional forces, or chemical or biological attacks—suggests President Biden and his administration really are out of touch with reality."


"Thanks to the Western media’s non-stop dissemination of unfavorable images of Russia’s leaders and its military, it would appear that President Biden is able to espouse any narrative that suits his purpose. Obscuring the true origins of this tragic conflict, however—NATO’s eastward expansion to include Ukraine—cannot alter strategic reality. Moscow can no more lose the war with Ukraine than Washington could lose a war with Mexico."

Additionally from bizpacreview:

"Among the many military commentators weighing in on the situation in Ukraine, Macgregor has been almost alone in recommending that Ukraine should have capitulated long ago. Since the beginning of the invasion, Macgregor has maintained that it should have been the position of the Ukrainian government from the get-go to seek a negotiated settlement with Russia. Prolonging the war, in his estimation, only adds to the devastation and suffering of the Ukrainian people and postpones the inevitable."

Spelling of Macgregor not MacGregor? As in the Scottish fashion? I am wrong? Such an observation I suppose is meaningless.


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