Wednesday, April 13, 2022


This is coolbert:

Sniper Ukraine! Spanish Foreign Legion!

"A Spanish sniper in kyiv [sic]: 'My chances of getting out of here alive are 50%'"

From the Internet web site La Razon the article by MACARENA GUTIERREZ LAST UPDATE  04-11-2022 | 

"This former legionnaire of the Tercio Gran Capitan has been fighting the Russians for more than two weeks: for each 'defeated man' he receives 300 dollars [$300 USD] from an American security company"

"Juan" working for an American private military contractor [PMC]? $300 USA = 45,000 ESP [peseta] his pay for every vanquished enemy? These hired guns totally separate from the advertised Ukrainian legion of foreign volunteers. PMC types indeed professional soldiers with a valuable skill set, not even needing any real training.

"JLC's last mission was in Irpin. A quick action of a few hours, integrated into a team with five other former soldiers. Professional soldiers hired by private security companies who, according to this 42-year-old former legionnaire, are leading part of the war and, incidentally, doing business. The telephone conversation with LA RAZĂ“N takes place over several days. Up to two times the lines he uses are cut off and he has to reestablish them. He does not refuse any questions, if anything he avoids going into certain details for security reasons. First Corporal of the Third Great Captain of the Legion, where he served for thirteen years as a sniper, he does ask that his face not appear and that we identify him only with his initials."

"Juan" might not even be a Spaniard. Legionairres chosen from Spanish speakers all over the world. He is by definition a mercenary and not entitled to Geneva Convention protocols if captured. Via con Dios Juan!


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