Sunday, March 6, 2022


This is coolbert:

The little cat that can't!

Casualty of war! Russians that is. кошка.

"Russian Cats Get Cancelled

By Paul Joseph Watson.

March 4th 2022.

"The pandemic may be coming to an end, but the invasion of Ukraine has caused the outbreak of a virus which is if anything even more virulent."

"The virus of performative moral exhibitionism."

"performative: adjective - - 3. disapproving : made or done for show".

See further the story at the webzine of "The Rolling Stone". Russian-bred cats no longer wanted or allowed to participate in competitions. Crazy silliness.

Also this one more crazy silliness. Ivan Drago now banned and removed from all images Stalinist style. Babylon Bee the Internet satire web site notices too what I have.

Read further from the era of the Great War [WW1] those episodes with a very similar nature. The strange case of  "Liberty cabbage".

"During the First World War any reference in the USA to things German was deemed unpatriotic, and this included foodstuffs. An alternative name had therefore to be found for sauerkraut, and the choice fell on liberty cabbage. The image appealed to was presumably of America as the land of the free, defending the liberty of the world against German tyranny. Similar inspirations were liberty sandwich for ‘hamburger sandwich’ . . . and, beyond the gastronomic sphere, liberty measles for ‘German measles’."

Germans WW1. Now Russian cats! Even them! A crisis situation does create a lot of stress, often resulting in a hysterical mindset. Inane and just plain stupid reactions as a consquence. 

The Russian blue cat the appearance actually quite striking.


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