Sunday, March 6, 2022


This is coolbert:

Baseless claims without foundation? Scurrilous allegations not even worthy of consideration?

Perhaps better described as "a tempest in a teapot"?

"tempest in a teapot: noun - - A major fuss over a trivial matter."

1. "Russia Claims Pentagon ‘Biological War Labs’ Developing ‘Pathogens’ in Ukraine"

"Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday that Russia will continue its 'military operation' in Ukraine even if a peace deal is made until the process of 'demilitarization' and 'de-Nazification' is completed to Moscow’s satisfaction and Ukraine is stripped of weapons of mass destruction – including chemical and biological weapons he accused the United States of developing on Ukrainian soil."

2. "Pentagon ran bioweapons labs in 25 countries, including Ukraine… yet no global outcry against the USA for funding covid gain-of-function crimes against humanity"

Article from "Planet Today" Wednesday, March 02, 2022.

Caption reads: "Pentagon Bio-laboratories in 25 countries around Russia, China, Iran, etc, under DTRA Cooperative Biological Engagement Program [CBEP] Source: DoD". With the exception of Ukraine, all bio-labs located in central Africa, central Asia, southeast Asia.

My instantaneous, instinctive and intuitive reaction to the existence of the CBEP labs is that they are for researching all sorts of virus/bacteria/illness lethal to the human species and only MAYBE doing investigations that might lead to a bio-weapon. Those pathogens endemic to the "tropical zone" many of them terribly horrific and hardly systematically examined. Consider it not out of the ordinary that the CBEP labs might formulate a data base line that can used to develop vaccines or therapeutic remedy.

"endemic: adjective - - Prevalent in or limited to a particular locality, region, or people."

Finding a vaccine of course the first step in the process of developing a bio-weapon. You do not want to expose an adversary to the pathogen of what ever sort without being able to treat your own military personnel and civilian society!


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