Sunday, March 6, 2022


This is coolbert:

Item # 1 from the BBC. Item # 2 from Newsmax.

1. "Live Russian attack on nuclear plant was reckless, US says"

"Updates from BBC correspondents in Ukraine and the region: Orla Guerin, Lyse Doucet and James Waterhouse in Kyiv, Sarah Rainsford in Dnipro, Fergal Keane and Joel Gunter in Lviv, and teams on Ukraine's western border"

* "Russian attack on Europe's largest nuclear plant was reckless, the US tells an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council"


* "Russian forces seized the plant after some buildings were hit by shelling, which Ukraine says led to deaths and injuries"

* "But Russia says there is no safety threat and insists it is 'untrue' that the plant was fired upon"

* "International monitors says no radioactive material was released and the plant is safe"

Plant shelling nearby starting a fire [not to the actual reactor containment or control facility] and quickly extinguished.

2. "US 'Deeply' Concerned About Russia's Intentions for Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant"

By Theodore Bunker    |   Friday, 04 March 2022 02:32 PM.

"The United States is "deeply" concerned about Russia's intentions for Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant that it assaulted and captured overnight, a senior defense official told CNN on Friday."


"The official added that the U.S. is "deeply" concerned about what Russia plans to do with their control over the power plant, which is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe"


* To an extent it was a surprise to me that the Ukraine has fifteen operating nuclear power plants. This Zaporizhzhia as mentioned the LARGEST in all of Europe.

* Expect ALL the Ukrainian nuclear power plants to be in the sights of the Russian military. Capture as essential in furtherance of  ELIMINATING any possibility of an atomic-armed Ukraine. From the reactors and spent fuel rods of those power plants can be obtained fissionable plutonium. 

See within context this Internet article from 2014!!



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