Sunday, January 23, 2022

Partizani II.

This is coolbert:

Partisans Ukraine once more? Guerrilla warfare as a deterrent? Conclusion!

From WBEZ National Public Radio the article by ELEANOR BEARDSLEY additional thanks to Pete Kiehart.

"Thousands of Ukrainians are training to protect their cities in case Russia invades"

Image courtesy NPR. Devoted readers to the blog might like to listen to the embedded three minute podcast. Young men drilling with wooden rifles that sort of thing I have not seen since my sojourn in Korea over fifty years ago. South Korean militia drilling with wood staffs.

"KYIV, Ukraine — In cities across Ukraine, there are billboards that show a smiling young man beckoning in full battle gear. 'Learn how to defend your home today,' the message says."

"The advertisement from Ukraine's Territorial Defense Forces, an offshoot of the army, seems to be working. As Ukrainians prepare for a possible Russian invasion, thousands of citizens are volunteering to train in case they have to help protect their cities."

Militia to act as guerrillas need to be formed and trained well in advance of anticipated conflict or invasion. Militia greatly resembling the NATO now defunct [?] Gladio ready to go without further ado. Too late for Ukraine to construct on such notice a credible insurgent army-in-waiting?


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