Monday, January 24, 2022


This is coolbert:

“The investment will help boost production to meet the surging demand for advanced semiconductors, powering a new generation of innovative products from Intel and serving the needs of foundry customers as part of the company’s IDM 2.0 strategy,” 

Heard this first on the radio yesterday and confirmed at Freeper. 

"Intel Corporation announced Friday that it is investing $20 billion to build two new 'leading-edge' chip factories in Ohio."

Integrated circuit semi-conductor manufacturing [design also?] USA. 

This is national defense [USA] issue that must be understood as being so.

Taiwan TSMC manufacturing 80 % of the semi-conductors used in world. Mainland China their share of the world-wide manufacturing about 10 %.

Taiwan, the ROC [Republic of China] if succumbing to mainland pressure of whatever sort will mean that China will control at least 90 % of the world's semi-conductor manufacture! The Chinese slavering at the very thought with intense anticipation?

Need I stress that any nation with high-technology military hardware absolutely dependent on integrated circuit semi-conductors?

Adam Smith the famous economist and foremost [?] advocate for free trade also expressed that one the four [I had thought it was two] exceptions to free trade is "national security". 

USA having an "indigenous" capacity for design and manufacture of integrated circuit semi-conductors for the civilian and military applications an obvious no-brainer big PLUS!

A USA in part or almost in totality beholden to the Chinese in whatever manner at a great disadvantage at a severe disadvantage! Again, a no-brainer!


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