Sunday, January 23, 2022

Partizani I.

This is coolbert:

Partisan Ukraine? Unconventional warfare? The guerrilla threat as a deterrent?

From the Internet web site "Small Wars Journal" the article by Brian S. Petit.


"Ukraine is bracing for a Russian invasion. Under-matched, undersized, and militarily less capable, Ukraine will lose a conventional, combined arms fight, should it come. Facing this prospect, Ukraine is investing in and publicizing its hedging strategy: citizen resistance."

"Is this Ukrainian citizen resistance strategy a publicity-heavy bluff that offers more bark than bite? Or is this strategy – organized enough to be credible and opaque enough to produce surprises - exactly on point?"

The main points as elaborated on by the author:

* "Public Messaging That Triggers Public Mobilization"

* "Managing the Messy Margins of Militias"

* "Resistance Law and Policy"

* "Assessing Deterrence"

If and when the Russian invades Ukraine with a conventional attack that will overwhelm the Ukrainian defenses DO NOT think the fighting will end. Partisans in the ancient and venerable manner of the guerrilla will continue the battle. As it was in the Second World War as it will be in 2022?

From that era of WW2 the Ukrainian Insurgent Army a nationalist guerrilla army under the command of Stepan Bandera at various moments of the conflict causing a lot of aggravation for the Germans and the Soviets both. Rebellious nationalists CONTINUING the struggle beyond 1945 for a number of years roving bands of insurgents active.

Read additionally the CV [curriculum vitae] of Brian S Petit. Very impressive. If anyone would know about insurgency/guerrilla warfare it would be Mr. Brian.


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