Monday, January 18, 2021


This is coolbert:

"'I don't mean to be dramatic,' . . . 'but I feel like if the Navy loses its head, if we go off course and we take our eyes off those things we need to focus on, I think we may not be able to recover in this century.'" - - [U.S.] Navy CNO Adm. Mike Gilday.

"CNO: Shipbuilding Mistakes Could Mean ‘We May Not Be Able To Recover In This Century’"

NO! The Admiral is being dramatic and with good reason. When the Chief of Naval Operations speaks we must all listen.

Thanks to the Internet web site "Breaking Defense" and the article by PAUL MCLEARY.

"WASHINGTON: The Navy will have to walk a tightrope in the coming decade,  balancing the divestment of older ships with the introduction of new designs  — and its dismal acquisition track record has left Congress frustrated and distrustful."

Mistakes such as the USS Ford aircraft carrier.

Mistakes such as the USS Zumwalt.

Mistakes such as the Littoral Combat Ship.

Projects, programs, concepts when at-sea not performing to standard as envisioned too much time and money wasted. Calamity. NOT for a hundred years will the U.S. Navy be able to recover? 


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