Monday, January 18, 2021


This is coolbert:

An evolution and not a revolution?

One more thanks to the tip from the Internet web site

"Hypersonic Superweapons Are a Mirage, New Analysis Says"

As extracted and as defined what exactly constitutes a hyper-sonic super-weapon:

"By definition, hypersonic vehicles fly at more than five times the speed of sound — or up to dozens of times faster than jetliners. The warheads rise into space atop a traditional long-range missile but then descend quickly into the atmosphere to bank, careen and otherwise maneuver. They’re basically stubby gliders. The curved upper surfaces of their wedge-shaped bodies give them some of the lifting power of an airplane wing"

Hypersonic having a poor LIFT-DRAG ratio? Size of warhead [conventional] will be rather itty-bitty? Hypersonic the threat not to be minimized but also should not be exaggerated?


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