Sunday, January 31, 2016

Suicide Bomber.

This is coolbert:

Also from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter and as has been previously reported the combatant units of ISIL remain on the offensive.

1. "ISIS attacks last Syrian army stronghold in Deir ez-Zour"

24 January.

"Dozens of ISIS suicide fighters hurled themselves in waves on the last Syrian army stronghold in the eastern town of Deir ez-Zour and its environs (pop: 200,000 civilians.) Its fall would catastrophically mark the end of the Assad regime’s control of eastern Syria."

2. "ISIS attacks Syrian army checkpoint in Homs; over 20 killed, 100 wounded"

26 January.

"More than 20 people, including Syrian officers and enlisted men, were killed and over 100 wounded when a suicide bomber and a car bomb exploded next to a Syrian army checkpoint in the city of Homs on Tuesday afternoon. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack."

Again, the use of the suicide bomber or even multiple numbers of suicide bombers incorporated into all ISIL operations.


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