Sunday, January 31, 2016


This is coolbert:

Yet more from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter.

Syrian Army and associated proxy forces and backed up by Russian air power continue to advance. Rebels as opposed to the despot Assad under attack NOT THOSE COMBATANTS OF THE ISLAMIC STATE.

The Russian plans the offensive and issues the orders, others obey!!

1. "Russian-backed Syria pushes ahead after taking key town of Salma"

22 January.

"Syrian forces pushed forward Friday to capture more parts of Latakia province from rebel hands after taking the key town of Salma backed by Russian air strikes. The town was held by Syrian rebels for three years during which they fired on government-held Latakia and threatened the nearby Russian base."

2. "Second Russian-Syrian-Hizballah conquest near Latakia"

24 January.

"Syrian-Hizballah forces backed by Russia captured Rabia, the last town held by rebels in the province of Latakia after the fall of Salma . . . For four years, Rabia was in rebel hands, including the Al Qaeda affiliate the Nusra Front. The combined Syrian-Hizballah force fought under Russian officers with the support of heavy Russian air strikes." 

3. "Syrian army takes key town near Israeli border in major breakthrough"

26 January.

"A Syrian army force under the command of Iranian and Russian officers has captured Sheikh Maskin, a key southern town near the Israeli border, thereby isolating rebel groups in the Deraa region. . . . Sheikh Maskin controls the southern hub of the roads leading to the Jebel Druze town of Suwaida, the Golan town of Quneitra and Damascus."


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