Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This is coolbert:

With regard to the deployment of women into combat, and the integration of men and women in the SAME combat unit, there seems to be, according to various Internet web sites, three overriding concerns, these being:

1. Women do not have the requisite strength do the job.

This will not be a problem with an all-female submarine crew? Subs are already and for some time equipped with mechanical apparatus, hoists, hydraulics so that strength even for the men is not a question.

2. A mixed by sex combat unit will require separate quarters, toilets, showers, etc.

This will not be problem with an all-female submarine crew.

3. There is a marked concern regarding the possibility of women in combat units being captured by the enemy. Treatment can only be expected to be very bad, rape, etc.

This will not be a problem with an all-female submarine crew. A nuclear attack submarine suffering critical damage while submerged will more than likely sink with all-hands lost, 100 % KIA. There is not a possibility or only a very low probability of anyone from a damaged sub EVER being captured?

So the three major issue regarding women in combat, the integration of combat units, men and women mixed, none of these are concerns with an all-female submarine crew? This is intuitively and obviously so?

[I would suggest that perhaps strength might be an issue during damage control operations. NOT having an experience as a submariner I am unsure of this!]

This however, may be a major and unanticipated concern? A woman commander will lack the necessary innate aggressive to do the job properly? American submarine commanders, especially those at the helm of nuclear attack sub, are expected and even encouraged [?] to exercise their judgment and use "measured audacity" at their discretion. Take risks but in a measured and evaluated manner.

"he who dares wins"!! HE!!

Granted our human species has a basic innate aggressiveness, but this is generally accepted as the purview of the male and not the female? This trait, aggressiveness, not foolhardy but measured, can be taught and learned or persons can be screened to determine if they "have what it takes"?


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