Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This is coolbert:

From my previous blog entry:

"It might even be feasible to have an all-female submarine crew, the workings of a modern submarine NOT placing a premium on strength, officers and enlisted both again relying more upon brain than brawn"

And I had originally intended to pose this question to my devoted readers - - is it feasible to man an American attack nuclear sub with an all-female crew? What are the pluses and minuses and is this do-able?

It seems the question has already been asked at the highest levels of the U.S. Navy and been answered, at least according to this 2008 article from the New York Times:

"US Navy Mans Two Nuclear Subs with Women"

"Now, however, with the backing of outgoing President George Bush, the Navy plans to get women into submarines and avoid mixing with seamen by making two US Virginia class subs consist of all-female crew and officers."

"One of the first female Prospective Commanding Officers for submarines, Commander Sarah Bentworth, is eager to get started. She spent two tours aboard the USS Virginia in order to prepare for her first sub command."

The question has not only been asked and answered, but the reply is YES! And is perhaps being implemented right now, as we speak?

As I had thought to myself, this allows those women, graduates for instance of the Naval Academy, making a career of the military, an opportunity to command at the highest level a COMBAT WARSHIP OF THE MOST SOPHISTICATED DESIGN AND MOST DESTRUCTIVE LETHALITY! ONLY, normally, those having commanded a COMBAT WARSHIP can hope to aspire to the highest ranks of their service [navy]!

This all from three years ago now [2008], a court case already having been decided [?], the determination to go with an all-women crew in part having been made to prevent excessive legal action?

"Bishop vs. the State of Connecticut. Captain Bridget Bishop, an accomplished career naval officer argues that prohibiting women from serving aboard submarines limits their career potential"

Strength is not an issue with an all-female crew? Missiles are pre-loaded and torpedoes for some time are re-loaded by apparatus, hoists, mechanical device!

PMS on the part of the sub commander during a long voyage will not be a problem? B-52 bombers on SIOP missions for some time have been flown and commanded by women pilots without difficulty.

There is no need to re-design crew quarters, separate bunks, toilets, showers, etc., with an all-woman crew! This is a plus.

Women also are noted for their ability to concentrate better and longer on tedious tasks that require skill! This also will be a plus.

Before the first deployment, it will be necessary for each woman submariner to sit position with the male counterpart, to get experience, perhaps even more than just practice run or two! You cannot take a lot of risk with any under-the-sea vessel, much less a nuclear-armed attack sub.

So it is a go then!! Remarkable and good luck female submariners. Prince Namor be with you!

Just remember ladies - - this is not a sorority house!


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