Friday, May 20, 2011


This is coolbert:

Thanks to the Sharkhunters web site and the tabulation by Chester L. Sommers we have a listing - - "a running total of submarines LOST in PEACETIME [my emphasis] since the beginning of submariner history" PRIOR to American entry into World War Two [WW2]:

England  ............. 21.

France ................ 14.

USA .................... 14.

Germany ............... 8.

Russia ................... 8.

Japan ..................... 7.

Italy ....................... 3.

Netherlands ........... 3.

Chile ....................... 1.

Denmark ................ 1.

Quite a large number of submarines lost, having foundered and in most cases sunk with a total loss of crew, the entire ships' complement being lost!

 SINCE the end of WW2, submarine safety, the number and type of disaster has declined dramatically? And this is surprising? Modern submarines primarily of the very large American and Soviet [Russian] fleets were/are nuclear, operating for longer periods at greater depths and at higher speeds, under a more or less wartime footing during the entire period of the "Cold War"!

[during the period 1945-1990 three American subs went to the bottom as compared to six Soviet vessels.]

The reasons for the markedly improved safety record is? Better design and manufacturing methods, a greater consciousness regarding quality control, AND the knowledge of HOW to operate subs under more stringent conditions, WHAT to do and perhaps even more important, WHAT NOT to do!

This is correct? Nonetheless, that improved safety record is quite remarkable. Even astounding!


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