Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Task Group 96-3.

This is coolbert:

Here from the wiki entry for "Swede" Momsen:

"In November 1945, he [Momsen] directed a fleet of nearly 200 surplus Army and Navy ships, manned by Japanese crews, that evacuated the first of nearly six million Japanese from Manchuria, Formosa, and islands in the Pacific."

An episode of history I was totally unfamiliar with. The repatriation - - on a biblical scale - - of Japanese, from all over Asia, back to the home islands - - in the aftermath of World War Two [WW2]. 6 million persons, repatriated, using a fleet of surplus American vessels do so, manned by Japanese crews, AND COMMANDED BY AN AMERICAN ADMIRAL ["Swede" Momsen]!!!

This was: "US Naval Shipping Control Authority for Japanese Merchant Marine"

A/k/a Task Group 96-3.

"(He) [Momsen] performed exceptionally meritorious and distinguished service in Japan from November 1945 to October 1946. He directed the shipping of the Japanese Civilian Merchant Marine in repatriating nearly six million people. He provided for the proficient training of Japanese crews, and resourcefully integrated United States and Japanese shipping into an effective organization which insured the safe and expeditious return of millions of displaced persons to their homes..."

"100 Liberties, 100 LST's and 7 hospital ships be made available to SCAP for repatriation. The ships were to be converted in Japan to carry repatriates and were to be crewed by the Japanese."

This 6 million persons would have included all de-mobilized military personnel and civilians, Japanese citizens, nationals, ethnics, etc. Persons told to go, and going, for their own good.

An exodus, again, of biblical proportions, unheralded, done with a minimum of fuss! A benevolent American military government doing good for the erstwhile hated enemy!!

[recall too that on the other side of the world, 15 million German nationals, ethnics living in eastern European nations, were herded into boxcars and also repatriated to Germany proper. A movement of persons also on a biblical scale, done harshly and without any pity, resulting in the death of perhaps several million Germans! Such is war and the aftermath!!]


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