Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here with the story of Arthur.

Arthur the elder brother of the famous American general, Douglas Mac Arthur.

And Arthur, the son of the famous American general Douglas Mac Arthur.

1. Arthur Mac Arthur III.

YES, the famous Douglas had an elder brother who was in his own right also an outstanding and distinguished military officer.

BUT - - not an army man.

A career naval officer, a graduate of the Naval Academy Annapolis. Seeing extensive combat duty during:

* Spanish-American War.
* Boxer Rebellion.
* Philippine Insurrection.
* First World War [WW1].

Arthur, the elder brother of Douglas, emerging from WW1 with a stellar record of service. Dying, however, a very premature and unfortunate death.

It is thought that if Arthur had not passed when he did, he had the potential to rise very high in the ranks beyond what he had already attained. Perhaps as high as did Admiral Leahy or King during the Second World War [WW2].


2. Arthur Mac Arthur IV.

Here young Arthur IV visiting a zoo, age four.

The son of the famous Douglas. Born 1936. Escaping with his father from the Philippines, 1941.

The intentions of the father [Douglas] were for his son to attend West Point, become a career military officer, attain the rank of general and possibly win the Medal of Honor [MoH], as had his father and grandfather before him.

This was not to be. Arthur passed into obscurity, in a quite deliberate fashion.

Changed his name for reasons of anonymity, having a successful career as a concert pianist and writer. NOT as a military man.

Two generations of Mac Arthur serving at the highest levels of military command and accomplishment, and then - - a concert pianist.

Do WELL what you do best AND what you want to do? YES, I think so!!


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