Thursday, February 4, 2010


This is coolbert:

This item from the Chicago Tribune yesterday:

"Militants launch floating bombs off Israel"

"Palestinians launch devices to avenge Hamas leader's death; no one hurt as 2 wash ashore"

Explosive devices, floating barrels containing about ten kilograms [22 pounds] of explosive, have been set afloat in the Mediterranean by Hamas.

Floating bombs, barrels riding the prevailing currents. Thrown into the ocean with the hope that the "devices" will come ashore on the beaches of Israel, detonating when disturbed by the curious, causing causalities. "WITH THE HOPE"!!

"JERUSALEM - - Palestinian militants said Tuesday they had launched a large number of floating explosives into the Mediterranean Sea to avenge the death of a top Hamas commander"

"We confirm that there are still many of these charges in the ocean, and they haven't exploded yet."

Barrels, packed chock full of explosive, floating with the currents, ending up on an Israeli beach, or even NOT coming ashore in some instances, aimlessly riding the waves to who-knows-where! Barrel bombs deadly to an extent, nonetheless!

This is a technique of desperation more than anything else? A sign that Hamas does not have the power to revenge and retaliate in a conventional manner for the death of a senior commander. An act of futility [the barrels] similar in effectiveness to the "bomb" balloons as released by the Japanese during World War Two [WW2]!

I am sure that the Israeli is NOT too impressed with this latest example of Hamas military prowess and high technology! Or rather, lack of high technology, should I say!


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