Friday, May 31, 2024


This is coolbert:

Feces - Dung -Excrement - Poop - Ordure - BM.   

Mierda - Merde -Scheiße -Merda -(pòu pòu) -(kuso) -(pae) -Хуй -تبر -חרא .

North Korea moves. A bowel movement moves.

"US troops received warning about North Korean poop balloons"

From | BY JEFF SCHOGOL |  MAY 30, 2024.

"US troops received an air raid warning about balloons that North Korea floated into South Korea carrying bags of human waste and other garbage."


"U.S. troops and their families assigned to South Korea received an air raid message warning earlier this week that may have sounded like the beginning of World War III."

"The warning was to let them know that North Korea had sent hundreds of balloons carrying human waste and other foul things across the 38th Parallel."

"The poop attack was an apparent act of retaliation against South Korean activists, who sent 20 balloons into the hermit kingdom earlier this month that carried anti-North Korean leaflets and USB sticks containing South Korean pop music and music videos."

OH, that Comrade Kim of Pyongyang is such a joker. Perhaps among heads of state unsurpassed in this area of expertise.

"joker: noun - One who tells or plays jokes. An insolent person who seeks to make a show of cleverness. (Informal) An annoying or inept person."

Decades ago a tour of duty [13 months] for an American soldier was strictly an UNACCOMPANIED hardship assignment. No wife or children period. Such was felt to be the peril.



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