Saturday, April 13, 2024

Testing 1-2-3.

This is coolbert:

“'There will be a pilot with me who will just be watching, as I will be, as the autonomous technology works,' . . . 'Hopefully neither he or I will be needed to fly the airplane.'” - Kendall.

At the controls but not at the controls controlling? Just along for the ride.

Big investment in autonomously operating and presumably AI operating loyal wingman concept to be field tested and evaluated by the boss himself. Secretary of the Air Force.

"AI-operated fighter jet will fly Air Force secretary on test run"

From https://www.c4isrnet | By Tara Copp | AP | Apr 9 [2024].

"The Air Force is betting a large part of its future air warfare on a fleet more than 1,000 autonomously operated drones, and later this spring its top civilian leader plans to climb into one of those artificial intelligence-operated warplanes and let it take him airborne."

"Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall told senators on Tuesday at a hearing on the service’s 2025 budget that he will enter the cockpit of one of the F-16s that the service has converted for drone flight to see for himself how it performs in the air."

See all previous blog entries as pertinent to the topic of the loyal wingman:


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