Saturday, April 20, 2024


This is coolbert:

From the Israeli press the perspective the Israeli attack on Iran.

Limited in scope and scale. 

More a demonstration than anything else.

1. "Target of Israeli attack in Iran was a military base near Natanz, report says"

From Ynetnews.

"Senior US military sources say Israel hit what they intended to strike, indicating that a single primary target was struck multiple times, proving Iran's Russian-made air defense system ineffective"

"The target of the Israeli retaliatory attack on Iran was a military base near Natanz in Isfahan, rather than the nuclear facilities themselves, senior US military sources said on Friday."

"Iran has also produced its own air defense systems, including the long-range Bavar-373. The SA-20c and the SA-5 are mentioned as being housed at Isfahan, which is close to Natanz."

Target near Natanz hit but atomic facilities left unscathed!

2. "US official: Israeli strike targeted air defense radar system for Natanz nuclear facility"

From | Elad Benari, Canada |  Apr 19, 2024. 

"US official tells ABC News that three missiles were fired from Israeli fighter aircraft outside of Iran in Friday morning’s very limited strike."

"Three missiles were fired from Israeli fighter aircraft outside of Iran in Friday morning’s very limited strike, a senior US official told ABC News."

Iranian airspace not breached. Missile attack involving Israeli warplanes carrying air-to-ground missiles but again, those warplanes not intruding into Iranian airspace!

"The Israelis were targeting an air defense radar site near Isfahan that’s part of the protection of the Natanz nuclear facility, the official said."

"The first assessment is that the strike took out the site, but assessment hasn’t been completed, added the official."

"The strike was intended to send a signal to Iran that Israel has these capabilities, but was not looking to escalate the situation, according to the official."

Missile strikes limited in scope and scale indicating that the Israeli not spoiling for a protracted fight with the Iranian. Point-of-honor type military demonstration now concluded, hopefully to the satisfaction of everyone!


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