Friday, April 19, 2024


This is coolbert:

Beach life Gaza? Gaza? Beach life?

Must not be so bad after all?

"Gazans flock to the beach amid, hostage families fume"

From | article by Nir (Shoko) Cohen.

"Images of Gazans bathing in the sea enrage families of Hamas hostages, as their loved ones continue to languish in captivity; 'This is a joke, and it's at our expense,' says hostage's cousin"

"As Gaza was swept by an early-season heat wave, Gazans flocked to the beaches of the coastal enclave to cool off. The sight of life in Gaza seemingly going back to normal amid war was especially stinging for some of the families of the Israeli hostages who have been held in captivity for 195 days."  

My instantaneous and intuitive reaction here was that beach life as ordinarily understood would be haram [forbidden] behavior for a devout Muslim.

This however seems not to the case. The ulema [religious scholars] have decided that within certain parameters beach life is permissible for a Muslim.  

Beach life halal [permissible] if certain conditions are met. To include:

* "If visiting the beach involves free mixing and looking at semi-naked individuals, it is considered haram or unlawful."

* "It is permissible for a husband to take his wife to the beach, provided they adhere to Islamic teachings and guidance in this regard."

* "Muslims must not dress like non-Muslims at the beach, which means men should not wear swimming trunks and women should not wear bathing suits."

* "Breaking the laws of hijab for the sake of playing in the waves is not permissible."

* "Some scholars argue that going to the beach is not haram, but one must lower their gaze and avoid going for the purpose of looking at immodestly dressed [persons]."


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