Saturday, March 16, 2024


This is coolbert:

“'These are the stories of 40 students, who never had a chance to complete their studies and their diplomas will never be issued to them, because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine' . . . 'This exhibition is to commemorate those students, to raise awareness about the ongoing war, and to show the brutality and destruction the war brings.'” 

WARNING: If you are easily offended by material that can be of an intense and emotional nature hit ESCAPE now.

'Unissued diplomas': an exhibition in Tromsø highlights Ukrainian students who died in the war."

"Photos of 40 students who died during the war in Ukraine are displayed on the walls at the campus of The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in Tromsø."

From | March 12, 2024.

"When I walk along the campus building, I stumble upon a line of photos with the young, smiling faces of those who just started on their life’s path. Reading their stories and about how they died, the general word 'war' rapidly transforms into countless personal tragedies."

Students the Norwegian Arctic University having been mobilized for the war effort the Ukraine Conflict having perished, their education and lives cut short!

See from the web site the slide show with captions. Very sad indeed!


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